Hey there! My name is Adrian Waldron. I am a Follower of Jesus, Husband, and Father. I currently serve as CEO at [Cancer Doctor](https://cancerdoctor.com/). When I’m not thinking about business—I love to spend time loving on my daughters, building a family vision with my wife, and playing baseball with my brother-in-law. After losing my mom to T-cell Lymphoma at 19—my life was completely turned upside down. I was in a dark place. I started to question everything I thought I knew to be true. I spent the next two and a half years rebuilding my faith from the ground up. Even today, I'm still trying to soften a calloused heart. I've come to know that Yahweh is the one true God who created everything. After humanity blew a chance of eternity with God in the Garden of Eden, God's only son Jesus shed divinity to walk among humans. Jesus ultimately sacrificed his life providing a way for us to return back to communion with God. ___ >Here are a few of my thoughts on various topics. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected] if you have any questions or want to share some thoughts of your own. 🤍 ## 💭 Recent Posts May 10th, 2024 — [[A lot has happened in the last 2 months]] March 2nd, 2024 — [[So about my cold showers...]] February 9th, 2024 — [[My successful morning routine]] January 30th, 2024 — [[30,000ft above Perryton, TX]] January 26th, 2024 — [[How This One App Tripled My Deep Work]] January 24th, 2024 — [[My obsession with apps]] January 23rd, 2024 — [[A tradeoff for late nights]] January 21st, 2024 — [[Diving into Agile User Stories & User Story Mapping]] January 21st, 2024 — [[Initial thoughts on Rework by 37Signals]]